The Odyssey
"I dreamt of flying, when the winds resisted. I dreamt to rise, while the quicksand tried to pull me in. I planned, I failed, I strived, I fell, but, I never stopped standing up again. It surely took some time to check mark my goals, but it still is a long way to cover, before I say that I won." Year 1976, a child takes birth in a well-educated upper middle class Oriya family, second girl child of that family. As per the society, she wouldn't get to study much, as she won't need it much and get married, being the only forced-fed goal for women of the society. She is given a name, ironically, inspired by an ancient female philosopher & scholar from the Southern India. A determined being, she carries her education breaking the shackles and stigmas of societies. She promises herself for offering the best of education to her, no matter what troubles she may face. If you are determined, you make your own ways and achieve, and sometimes, the stars help you...