Women And Rapes: A Brief Overview
The Death of humanity: Rape "She wasn't supposed to board the shared auto", "she shouldn't have stayed out so late", "she shouldn't have consumed alcohol", "she shouldn't have worn such clothes", "oh she was asking for it", "she shouldn't have taken that job", this is what people say after getting to know about rape cases. If this victim blaming wasn't enough, they have the courage to go another mile saying, "It's okay, such things happen" or "chow mein causes rapes". How lower would we fall? How cheaper would we go? There hasn’t been a day when there were no news about rapes in the papers. Every day, turn the pages and you will find more and more news about these soul-crushing and inhuman crimes, and yet we are okay with it, because these aren’t happening to us. Right? Hush, let's not talk about something so obnoxious! This is what people quote when this topic c...